You might have noticed your dog stressing out over the first few summer holidays, especially after the fireworks over 4th of July. I’m still hearing random fireworks going off almost 2 weeks after the 4th! Even all the excitement of preparing for a party is enough to stress out our 4 legged friends. With several bar-b-que and big celebration holidays left, it is important to be able to pick up on canine stress signs in order to help them deal with it as best as we can.
It is important to know that leaving a few lights on, closing the curtains and adding some familiar sounds like a TV or stereo when going out or leaving for long periods of time can help soothe a pets anxiety. Make sure to lock up tight so they don’t run off scared or looking for you. Also leave them with some new puzzle toys to distract them from you leaving.
Can you tell when your pet is stressed out and what is the best way you have found to try and deal with it?
Check out these other tips to help identify signs of stress in your dog and how to help them out:
To help identify stress, Arden said to look for the following signals:
– Excessive licking of paws, nose or lips
– Panting that isn’t heat related
– Pacing
– Trembling
– Pinning back ears and cowering
– Hiding
– Refusing treats
– Diarrhea or vomiting
– Whimpering
– Clawing at walls, doors or gates trying to escape
Ways to Soothe Your Stressed Dog: Taking your dog for long walks, playing fetch, or spending some time learning new tricks are other ways to help relieve pet stress.
Bonnie Brown, founder of Dog Trainers Connection, recommends trying a popular pet product to reduce anxiety. “Use a Thundershirt,” she says. “Maintained pressure helps calm the dog’s sensory receptors.” Think of it as swaddling a baby to encourage a feeling of security. “The wrap helps to minimize the dog’s involuntary shivering, which in itself can help your dog feel calmer,” says Brown. Securing a T-shirt or towel around your dog can also have a similar calming effect.
Aromatherapy mists, calming supplements and pheromone collars are other products that can promote relaxation and relieve nervousness.
Image Source: Zlatko Unger on Flickr
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