Foxi Roxi
Click "Like" or share this with friends and if you have a pic of your favorite pup, feel free to post it here so we can feature it on Ruffington...
Click "Like" or share this with friends and if you have a pic of your favorite pup, feel free to post it here so we can feature it on Ruffington...
Click "Like" if you think these two are beautiful!...
Thanks for sharing the terrific pictures, Janet!...
Which is your favorite?...
Click "Like" if this makes you smile!...
Click "Like" if this made you smile!...
Here’s Laurent Goderre’s Rottie-Shepherd mix, Kheops. Thanks for the share, Laurent!...
Do you have a cute or funny Pug pic? Share here and we'll feature your dog on Ruffington Post!...
Your Shepherd can be featured on Ruffington Post, too! Just share by posting here on our Facebook page and we'll feature the photo!...
I can believe he inflated it, but how did he tie the knot?...
And that’s the great thing about dogs. The sign really says it all here! What do you think of this poor ole pup?...
Do you have a favorite Rottweiler? Snap a quick photo and post it here and we'll feature it on
Is your favorite furry friend a mixed-breed like this fluffy pup? Share a picture here and we'll post it on!...
VIDEO: Is this really how all pugs climb stairs? It's like he's on springs!...
I'm hungry! Get the hint? Click "Like" if you think this little black lab's cute!...