Play With Me Mama!
This tiny little Pug puppy his Mama to come play with him. Does your little Pug ever run out of energy?...
This tiny little Pug puppy his Mama to come play with him. Does your little Pug ever run out of energy?...
This Chihuahua Renita has crazy Chihuahua eyes. Does your Chihuahua has large crazy eyes?...
This little spaniel is all snuggled up with her favorite holiday toy. Does your spaniel have a special toy they snuggle with too?...
This precious little puppy Kuro is a Rottweiler who will grow up to be several times the size he is now. Isn't he precious?...
In case you have never seen a surfing Golden Retriever like me, here's proof. Does your Shepherd surf?...
Here is Olive the Shepherd making a really funny snarling face. Does this face make you laugh or scare you?...
This girl Hannah is such a beautiful Doberman Pinscher. Is your Doberman calm?...
If you are trying to teach your Pug to roll over you may want to use some treats and not try to show him by example. Do you think it...
Adorable video of Chihuahua all ready for bed snuggling with his teddy bear. Does you Chihuahua snuggle with a stuffed animal too?...
Do you have any funny stories you can share about your spaniel seeing snow for the first time?...
Check out this video. Isn't it funny to see them meet this full grown Rottweiler for the very first time?...
Watch this cute little video using Golden Retrievers to show examples of the structure of Atoms. Do you think the video is silly or effective?...
These 8 week old Mini Australian Shepherds will only be knee height full grown. Did you know about Mini Australian Shepherds?...
Check out this funny video of Ramsey the Doberman Pinscher stealing and holding onto the mail....
Here is an adorable Red Rust Doberman Pincsher pup playing outside. Doesn't she look more interested in getting some attention?...