Mixed Color Litter of Doberman Piunscher Pups
Click image to view full size of these adorable mixed colored Doberman Pinscher Puppies. What color is your Dobie?...
Click image to view full size of these adorable mixed colored Doberman Pinscher Puppies. What color is your Dobie?...
Meet Holly, a cute little American Water Spaniel ready to take a nap. Isn't it funny when dogs sleep on the bottom of a chair rail or a step. It...
This guy loves his two Rottweilers and all 3 of them are super cute in this picture. Can't you see how proud he is of these two dogs?...
This Golden Retriever is a service dog who has gone through extensive training. Did you know that not all service dogs are trained from puppies?...
Click to view German Shepherd gallery of full size images like this darkly colored German Shepherd. Isn't a German Shepherd with this color from Europe or some other country?...
This Headless Horseman costume on this Doberman Pinscher is hilarious! What a good dog. Does your Dobie let you dress him or her up?...
Watch this adorable little video introducing this tiny White Pug puppy Marshmellow. Doesn't he look like a little marshmallow to you?...
After 4 unsuccessful attempts to have a little this proud Mama Chihuahua Lucy finally has a little baby girl puppy. Does anyone know if this is common for Chihuahua?...
Here is a little German Rottweiler puppy at about 6 weeks old. Doesn't he look awfully big for his age?...
This litter of Golden Retriever pups like to play with this over sized checkers set. Does your Retriever like to play with Human toys too?...
Here is an adorable 8 week old German Shepherd puppy named Turbo. He seems to be pretty happy with his new parents on his first day home. What do you...
This tiny little Doberman Pinscher puppy Baron is just 4 weeks old. Isn't he adorable?...
This Pug looks happy all snuggled up in his Halloween costume. Do you think he minds being dressed up?...
This little Chihuahua is really enjoying his little treat. Click through to see our adorable Chihuahua gallery!...
This Spaniel looks pretty happy on this lakeside stroll. Does your Spaniel like to be near the water?...