Introducing Lord Byron, the Chihuahua
What do you think about this regal little fellow Lord Byron... the Chihuahua?...
What do you think about this regal little fellow Lord Byron... the Chihuahua?...
This Spaniel wearing a T-shirt is just too cute. With his little Sponge Bob license. Do you agree that this is one cute Spaniel?...
These two Rottweilers are taking a break from their pool party. Does your Rott like to swim with other dogs?...
This Yellow Labrador Retriever Buddy has no fear and jump right into the water after the ball. Is your Lab fearless too?...
Does your Shepherd throw water off him or her like this too?...
This full grown Red Rust Colored Doberman Pinscher Bella sneaks up on Domo for a surprise attack! Does your Dobie play with toys too?...
This silly Pug loves to be vacuumed and even rolls over to make sure it gets her belly. Does your Pug get near the vacuum?...
This gorgeous English Cocker Spaniel Lily is very well trained and is quite a good looking pooch! Do you agree?...
This is just a quick video introducing a 4 month old Rottweiler Zeus. How big do you think this little guy is going to get?...
Here is little Eber a Golden Retriever puppy on his way to his new home. Did your puppy have a long journey home too?...
Here a cute little video introducing some European Doberman Pinscher puppies. Does this video make you want a Dobbie puppy?...
This fashionable Rottweiler just loves going to Snake River. Doesn't he look cute in his little bandana?...
For this Golden Retriever finding the ball is pretty easy and second nature. Does your Retriever loves to find the ball?...
A beautiful family portrait of 3 Black Tri Australian Shepherds. Do you own a family of Shepherds?...
Doberman Pinschers make all sorts of different size and breed friends. What types of dogs or humans does your Dobie not get along with?...