• Why a Beagle May Not Be the Perfect Pooch

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    Uno, a loveable Beagle, won the Best in Show title at the 132nd Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show just last week. Once a breed wins it boosts exposure and the demand for that type of dog. The only problem is this demand increases regardless of if the family dog is compatible or not, purely from popularity.

    Here are some things you should consider before running out and hopefully adopting or rescuing a Beagle:

    Why a Beagle May Not Be the Perfect Pooch

    Beagles are an excellent family dog with an amiable temperament, appealingly small in size, and they’ve got an irresistible expression. But Beagles come with baggage. First of all, according to many dog behaviorists, once a Beagle hits a scent in the air or on the ground, they will try and trail it, regardless of what’s in the way. Trying to walk a Beagle off-leash in approved Santa Barbara parks and beaches may prove to be very challenging.Secondly, experts recommend installing fences that are 4-feet high to prevent Beagles from climbing over them. And because they like to dig, part of the fence should be buried so that they can’t burrow underneath.

    Third, the gregarious nature of Beagles can lead to howling or barking when they are lonely or bored. This personality trait may disrupt neighbors that share a wall with Beagle owners; therefore the breed is not normally recommended for apartment-dwellers.

    If you decide you want to adopt a Beagle after researching the breed, check with your local animal shelter first. Petfinder.com can also help you find Beagle rescue groups which are 501(c)3 approved and who work solely to find placement for pets in need of a home.

    I am not trying to dissuade those of you who are interested in adopting a Beagle. However, I would highly recommend researching any breed thoroughly before running out to adopt a particular animal. Studies have also shown that when interest in a breed is sparked in our society due to movies, commercials, celebrities, and awards, there are people who run out to get that breed immediately. Six to nine months later, once the novelty of the purchase has worn off, many of those animals end up in shelters.

    I believe every breed should be thoroughly researched to make sure they will fit in with your current lifestyle before taking on such a huge commitment. The goal is to make sure everyone is happy with their selection to keep more pets out of shelters!

    Will you help spread the word about adopting the right kind of dog to help fight this battle? Also, what do you think about Beagle’s in general?

    Article Source: Santa Barbara Independant

    Image Source: Llima Orosa on Flickr


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