Category "Chihuahua"

The Chihuahua is the smallest breed of dog and is named for the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. Chihuahuas come in a wide variety of sizes, head shapes, colors, and coat lengths.


Chubby Chihuahua


This little ones owners thinks he is quite the chubby Chihuahua but I've seen bigger. Do you have any pictures of a really chubby Chihuahua that you can share with...


Better Late Then Never


This adorable little Halloween Chihuahua reminds us that it is better late then never to post an adorable pic like this one. Do you have any Halloween pics that you...


Snugly Chihuahua

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This little Chihuahua sure is all snugly and warm. Does your little Chihuahua like to snuggle up to take naps? Share some Chihuahua pictures with us and they might get...


Famous Chihuahua Emma

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This little Chihuahua Emma was born with a cleft palate and has become quite the celebrity. Do you think this little video is heartwarming too? Do you have pictures like...