This Doberman Pinscher is Sneaky Sneaky
Doberman thinks he can sneak up on his human. Does your Doberman stalk quietly?...
Originally developed around 1890 by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann. Doberman Pinschers are among the most common of pet breeds, and the breed is well known as an intelligent, alert, and loyal companion dog. They were once commonly used as guard dogs or police dogs.
Doberman thinks he can sneak up on his human. Does your Doberman stalk quietly?...
Click "Like" if you think this doberman's a pretty girl!...
Click "Like" if you think dobermans are the most beautiful breed...
"Like" if you think Rocky's a great name for a dobie!...
Have a cute Doberman? Why not take a quick snapshot & share it here on the Ruffington Post?...
Dogs are man's best friend because they love unconditionally - even if they take the blame for a messy room!...
Click "Like" if this made you smile!...
Click "Like" if you think this version of "Little red riding hood" is adorable!...
Click "Like" if you think Uma's a pretty pup!...
March shows his loyalty to service men. Do you know how long Doberman Pinschers have been helping in the military for? ...
Such a cute little video of this big Doberman Pinscher getting obviously upset when the baby starts to cry. Do you think he is alerting his humans or just crying...
These Doberman Pinschers have amazing agility. What impressive things can your Doberman do?...
This Dobie loves to give and receive kisses. Is your Doberman a lover too?...
Doberman Pinscher Mungo paying his respects to fallen soldiers. What is your service Dobie like?...
Funny video of 4 month GSD playing tog-of-war with 2 month Doberman. Which breed do you feel is stronger?...