These Labrador Retrievers Love Their Little Pool
Labrador Retrievers love to cool off in the yard in their mini pool. Have you ever given your labs their own pool?...
A type of gun dog bred primarily to retrieve birds or other prey and return them to the hunter without damage.
Labrador Retrievers love to cool off in the yard in their mini pool. Have you ever given your labs their own pool?...
This is one of the most precious Golden Retriever pups I have ever seen. Do all these adorable pictures make you want a puppy too?...
Peanut, this 9 week old Golden Retriever is put to the test when told not to eat the kibble on her paw. What age was your Golden Retriever trained at?...
This sleeping Retriever puppy sure makes me want to take a nap. Isn't this just the most precious puppy?...
Video of 7 Butternut Golden Retriever Puppies taking their first swim. Pretty good for just 7 weeks old....
This Black Labrador Retriever serves at his Mama's wedding. Do you think he was a best man or a ring bearer?...
Watch this adorable video of a Golden Retriever puppy taking his first bubble bath. Can you imagine the time it takes to bathe 9 adorable puppies?...
Some people don't like pets on their furniture. Most of those people are not puppy owners. Doesn't this little Golden Retriever look comfortable on this patio chair?...
Watch this tiny Golden Retriever puppy sneak attack the camera. Was your Golden Retriever pup camera shy or an attacker like this one?...
Two Golden Retrievers sitting and waiting patiently for their portraits. Are your Retrievers this calm?...
Follow this journey of Artemis the Flat Coat Retriever finally finding a home. Do you have any sweet footage of bringing your bay home for the first time?...
Just looking at these two Golden Retrievers makes me cold. I hope they got all cozy in the bath or by a fire after this shot! How are your Retrievers...
These two Golden Retriever pups really have it out for each other. Do you have a pair of pups who are always going after each other too?...
We’re back! Here are the two Valentine Brothers back in action and looking better then ever. Do you have a pair of Golden Retrievers that are this close? photo by:...
This Mama Golden Retriever is trying to teach her puppy Lexi how to swim by showing her how it’s done. Was your retriever a natural swimmer?...